Living In worship
A worshipping and praying community - Where we acknowledge that our most basic reason for living is to give glory to God in all we do. Where we are free to express our love and devotion to him and where we can draw closer to him in worship, praise and thanksgiving. Where prayer becomes part of the fabric of our lives, personally and corporately. Where we are constantly learning, experimenting and practising how to pray and are inspired by a fuller understanding of God's will, leading to personal change and a renewed passion to see God's Kingdom become visible all around us.
Ministry Reports for last year are available here for reference.
Sunday mornings at ACC are the main time we gather as a whole community to worship God together, learn together through inspired Bible teaching and share our lives together. The services include times of mainly contemporary praise & worship, a brief slot for the children, intercessory prayers and then about 30 minutes of practical Bible teaching. We welcome anyone to join us for this time to listen to the voice of God, receive some inspiration for our lives and encourage one another as we face the many challenges of modern life. Afterwards we encourage everyone not to rush away but to join us in the cafe area for tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat.
During the latter part of the service there is a Creche, a Sunday School for nursery to P7 age children, and a Bible Class for S1 – S4’s
During the latter part of the service there is a Creche, a Sunday School for nursery to P7 age children, and a Bible Class for S1 – S4’s
Prayer Ministry
“It is the discipline of prayer that brings us into the deepest and highest work of the human spirit. Real prayer is life creating and life changing… To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us.”
Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline
Finding Hope (12 Hours of Prayer)
“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength” Isaiah 40:31
Here are some images from our 12 hour prayer event on Saturday 8th of June 2019. The event was held in the hope that this space would help people to receive the hope that God has for us for everyday of our lives on earth, as well as for eternity to come.