Who We Are

We are an independent, community church based on the South side of Glasgow. Our background is rooted in the Evangelical tradition but we seek to work closely with all Christian churches who desire to share the good news of Jesus Christ and God's love in word and deed.
We endeavour to engage with and listen to our wider community and become more aware of how we can better serve others as followers of Jesus. In all of this our aim is to be people who are always living out what we believe, motivated and guided in everything we do by God’s Spirit.
Please feel free to join us here, on our socials, or even better in person at any time!

Our Mission

Changing Lives – changing communities

This phrase captures the balance between what we desire to see take place within us as a community and what we desire to see happen through us in the wider diverse communities around us. It also reminds us that ultimately communities change as individual lives are changed. This phrase reminds us and keeps our focus on “community”, and it also lays stress on the fact that change is essential, ongoing and permanent. None of this can happen unless God is shaping and changing us by his Spirit.

Our Vision 2022-2025

You Belong Here

Our vision Sunday, on 11th September, was led by some of our leadership team where they shared the direction we as ACC are heading over the next three years. You can watch the vision Sunday on our YouTube channel.
'Like living stones, you are being built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For in Scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone [Jesus], and the one who trusts in Him will never be put to shame."' 1 Peter 2v5-6
Our Vision Strategy
1 Community of Communities
We are a people seeking to glorify God in all we do.
2 Worship | Learn | Care | Serve
All members of our church should have a place in our community to engage in these ways.
3 Sharing
We seek to share the good news of Jesus within our church community, our local community and global communities.
Your Response
We need you to respond with your current involvement with groups and where you would like to get involved in future. Have a watch of the Vision Sunday recording first, then complete the "ACC Community Groups" form (tap the image) and hand it to one of our leadership team members. We're looking forward to your responses.
ACC Community Groups
The "ACC Community Personal Reflection" form (tap the image) is for your own personal reflection and don't need to be returned. Use this to think about your place at ACC and where you find yourself at this point in time with-in ACC Family life.
ACC Community Personal Reflection


Our Staff

Dr Stuart Blythe


Stuart is our Pastor. He joined the staff in August 2024. He is responsible for the overall leadership of the staff and the congregation. Stuart has served previously as a pastor in two baptist churches; Springburn Baptist, and Kirkintilloch Baptist. For nearly twenty years, however, he has been involved in theological education. First at the Scottish Baptist College, then at the International Baptist Theological Study Centre in Amsterdam, and between 2017 and 2024 at Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia Canada. At Acadia Divinity College he was the John Gladstone Professor in Preaching and Worship, as well as an Associate Dean, and Dean of the College Chapel. Stuart is married to Susanne, and they have two adult children. Stuart does not cook but can heat up a pizza, and both he and Susanne play the bagpipes as a hobby

Roma Madden

Community Worker

Roma is our Community Officer, with responsibility for running our weekly Community Foodbank and Café and interaction with the wider community, having volunteered for over 4 years prior to taking on this role in February 2022. Roma was born and raised in the southside of Glasgow, and has two beautiful daughters, Eilidh & Freya. Prior to volunteering, Roma had a 16 year long career in the travel industry, and to this day is passionate about travelling to as many countries in the world as she can manage with her young family. Roma also loves to work on her garden, visiting flower shows to find new plants to introduce. Roma also loves to cook and bake, especially with her daughters, and has completed several specialty course on cake baking, cake decorating, traditional Italian and Chinese cooking – and what better way to spend time with family and friends than in sharing good food!

What We Believe

In our contemporary culture it is easy to be overly absorbed with our own personal experience, preferences, history, beliefs and church background. When we do this we are in danger of putting God on the sideline and approaching life with ourselves in the driver’s seat. Moreover, we often tend to promote our own individualized viewpoint and fail to join hands with all who love and follow Jesus Christ and embrace the truth that is found in him.

Statement of Faith

This has been adapted from what is known as The Apostles Creed – an ancient statement of belief, probably constructed sometime in the 2nd century, which all Christians around the world, and in all times, agree expresses the core essentials of their faith. Over the years various groups of Christians have tried to add to this and expand it in many details but everytime they have tried to do so it has ultimately led to further divisions (and denominations) within Christianity. We believe that this creed is still the best summary of Christian beliefs and can be a powerful tool to bring unity among the Christian Church around the world today. The section at the bottom about the Bible is not taken from this creed, but is our summary of what we believe about Scripture.
1 One God
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator and Sustainer of all things, who eternally exists as a community of three persons sharing one essence.
2 Jesus Christ
We believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord;

…that he came into our world as the promised Saviour and King of Israel
…that he was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary
…that he lived a life of perfect obedience to God and love towards others
…that he suffered and died on the cross for the sins of all humanity
…that he was buried, and descended into the place of the dead, but on the third day he rose again – having conquered death, sin and all the powers of evil
…that he ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God his Father, at the place of all authority, where he prays for and represents us before God
…that he has established his Kingdom on earth and will come again to fully consummate this Kingdom and to judge all who are alive as well as those who have died
3 Holy spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Author and Giver of life;

…who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
…who is given freely to all who believe in Jesus Christ,
…who enables and equips us fully for life and service
4 The Church
We believe in one, holy, apostolic and universal Church, the fellowship of all Christians both now and through all ages;

…in the gift of the forgiveness of sins,
…in the promise of the resurrection of the body,
…in the gift and promise of eternal life
5 The Bible
We also believe that God, through the Holy Spirit, used human agents to record and preserve the integrity of the contents of the 66 books which we call the Holy Bible. We believe that, because the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, it is the written Word of God, is without error in all that it affirms and is therefore authoritative, trustworthy, complete and relevant for life in every generation and age. God, who gave us these Scriptures, still speaks powerfully and directly through them today, as they witness to Jesus Christ who is the living Word of God, and through whose life and teaching we interpret and understand the rest of Scripture. The supreme reasons why these have been given are to reveal to us who God truly is, to teach us about his purpose in human history, and to instruct us how we may know him and show us how we should live.

Mary Brown Memorial Trust

For over 50 years, Mrs Mary Brown was a member of Auldhouse Community Church (formerly known as Netherauldhouse Evangelical Church).She was a lady of great Christian faith, passionate for Christian endeavour and relief of all those who are disadvantaged (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere in the world).

On her death in November 2017 (aged 94) Mrs Brown bequeathed a very significant sum to the Church for the support of other Charities. The Mary Brown Memorial Trust was established as a separate Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) in July 2018.

The Trust aims to support charities who have a key focus on one or more of our charitable purposes - in particular, we wish to fund projects which are compatible with Christian values and which focus on working with those who are disadvantaged.

Please contact the Trust if you’d like more information on the funding criteria or some clarity on how to apply.